Major Reason to Start Blogging and Guest Posting for your Ecommerce Site

Blogging has many benefits for your E-Commerce site some are Builds trust, authority, and search engine rankings. Drives traffic from search engines organically. Builds brand awareness and loyalty. Help generates leads. That’s true across business types.

Top 6 Reasons to Start Blogging & Guest Posting for your E-commerce Site

Major Reason to Start Blogging and Guest Posting for your Ecommerce Site

1. The consumer is Looking for Answers – and You Have Them

One of the main reasons content exists is that today users search to solve problems, to accomplish tasks, and to do something. In other words, everyone on the web is looking for answers – including the people you want to sell products to.

If you deliver the answers they’re searching for via blogging that will surely affect your brand image in a positive light. If you do it correctly, without selling, with attention to detail and quality that will be a lot better. This builds confidence and trust in your brand.

More confidence = more trust. 
More trust = customers move to a sale more.

Over time, as blogs nurture leads, sales are inevitable – and it all starts with having answers to your audience’s questions.

2. Blogging Increases Site Traffic

If you want more traffic to your e-commerce site then you must start blogging. Websites with blogs get more indexed pages than websites without blogs. The large number of pages you have indexed with search engines like Google, the more chances you have to show up in the search engine rankings.

Every time when you publish a keyword-optimized blog that represents a path to a potential customer searching for that keyword. The content you provide over time will determine whether that traffic transforms into readers, then leads and then sales.

3. Success with E-commerce Blogging Is Proven

From blogging strategy alone, a business can manage to increase their number of paying customers by 40 percent. If you are expert in blogging then you can use your blogs to perform the guest posting services.

You can do this by trapping highly-profitable keywords in your blogs, for which the target audience is actively searching. So, it comes down to blogging and content marketing. Each individual blog builds your site's authority with Google and customers. This is a big reason enough for all e-commerce brands to create content.

4. People Read Blogs Before They Buy

Blogs have become playing great role in helping consumers make purchase decisions. According to a survey, 84 percent bought products based on how they were described in blogs. 50% said they read blogs to do initial product investigation.

If customers will read an informative blog before making a purchase decision, they’re more likely to feel confident about their decision. A great blog can even inspire them to purchase the product.

Major Reason to Start Blogging and Guest Posting for your Ecommerce Site

5. E-commerce Blogging Builds Trust in Your Brand

Overwhelmingly, blogging is the #1 brand-building activity. In fact, according to a key finding from a report, it was revealed that blogging was among the major ways most marketers are building customer loyalty. Another 50 %  percent are increasing their content creation budgets, which is the top area for spending in 2019.

Blogging is about how you build loyalty over time and increase brand awareness simultaneously. Guest posting to other high quality website can also contribute to increate the traffic and revenue to the ecommerce website.

6. Blogging ROI

Blogging is an investment that builds over time. You can’t expect to publish a blog and get back all that you need in one day, one week, one month, or sometimes even one year. A blog you posted, the one you spent hours researching, outlining, writing, and promoting, has a life beyond its initial publication date.

If it’s a really fantastic blog, it will climb the search engine rankings and earn traffic, and people will continue to find it. If it’s a really, really good blog, it can even go on for years. So it's really important for a business to create a blogging section in their eCommerce development.

Blogs offer a good way to build trust, drive traffic, and nurture leads passively for your eCommerce business. Blogging is an activity any e-commerce brand will benefit from in the long-term. It is one of the great ways to boost your website, build your brand, and create a loyal following of repeat customers.

Author Bio

Ajay Dalal is a content writer and a copywriter who specializes in writing marketing blog Technology and sales pages. He often writes for Dricki, and  Digital Junkies and explores new technologies to share his knowledge through writing.

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