SEO For Dummies 2019 - Best SEO Guide

Best SEO For Dummies 2019

Beginners who are into SEO might be wondering if SEO are not meant for dummies or only for a specific website, sorry to disappoint you but SEO can be done even with a new blog created today and better result can be achieved.

The complete SEO for dummies 2019 will take you on a one and one tutorial in getting your SEO strong and working, ranking mostly on first page as an SEO dummies and bringing SEO traffic from Google, Bing, Yahoo many other search engines.

SEO Meaning

SEO which means search engine optimization can be defined as the process of optimizing a website or a particular web page to obtain a higher rankings on Google search engine result page (SERP).

SEO For Dummies 2019

Dummies in SEO can truly rank fast and easily on google with my method for ranking and it's effective,

SEO Guide For Dummies To Make Use Of On Their Website/Blog.

1. Niche Domain

Getting a niche domain for your business can improve your SEO and rankings on Google, Finding a niche domain is a great tool in SEO for you as a beginner in SEO industry. Here is a tip to get the best from search with a niche domain:

• Make sure your keyword is found in your domain name eg: let's say that your industry is about SEO, why don't you go for a domain like or making your keyword appear on your Domain name, you can goto Namecheap and order for your niche domain.

Google loves it as you stand a better chance of getting more SEO traffic and ranking on Google with it.

2. Long Quality Contents

Have you heard a saying: Quality over Quantity, yes it also implies to SEO and I must say the dummies / beginners need to learn how to write a great long quality contents, which your visitors or readers will love and also appear friendly to Google search engine.

• Make sure that your post is upto 3000 words,
• Make a very good research and place a call to action when needed
• Use language that is friendly to Google ( English )

3. Doing Keyword Research

Forget about coming up to search engine results page if you are not doing keyword research. This is the most valuable part that you need to focus as a dummie in SEO, doing keyword research helps you to write on a keyword people are searching for and find out how many people that are searching for the particular keyword.

• I Make use of Semrush SEO to do your keyword research
• Find a keyword KD ( keyword Difficult ) to know if you can be able to rank it on Google first page
• Find related keyword associated

Try Semrush Today

4. Building Authority To Your Domain

This is another part in SEO that you must not over look, building backlinks for your blog. Backlinks works in a way that once you complete with someone on a keyword and it appears that your SEO is strong which includes:

•  Original Quality Contents
• Quality Backlinks Juice
• High Domain Authority
• Original Image
• Social Shares etc

You will always outrank your competitors on the keyword and rankings.

• I make use of Seoclerks
• I also make use of Crorkservice

They are the best when it comes to taking care of your SEO matters and ranking your website on Google.

5. Creating A Social Media Channel For Your Business

Yes another source of traffic and SEO boost. Social media is a powerful tool in SEO and can skyrocket your rankings on Google once you get it right,

• Create a Facebook page or Group
• Add your page html code to your website
• Activate Share button on your website for easy sharing

Watch the traffic grow and social shares grow too.

How SEO Will Work For You As A Dummie / Beginner 2019

Don't stress yourself just set up your SEO and let the traffic come by:

1. Submitting Your Site Map to Google search console.

This helps to signal Google that your website is ready to start appearing on Google search engine results page.

2. Submitting to search directories Like Bing, Yahoo and others.

Google is not the only search engine that exists so getting your traffic from Bing and Yahoo can be an added bonus to you.

3. Checking Robot.text

Always check if your robot.txt is blocked by Google bots,  however once blocked your webpage won't be crawled by Google anymore untill resolved.

4. Custom Permalink

Yes an effective SEO guide for dummies in 2019, always set your custom Permalink to appear the same with your keyword .

5. Internal Linking

Linking an old post to a new one helps faster indexing of post and ranking as a newbie always make use of Fetch and render on your Google search console to signal Google bots that a new post has been published to get indexed.

Writing SEO Post That Is Friendly To Google And Other Search Engines 2019

1. Place Your Keyword On Your Title

Placing your keyword on post title is a key point in ranking that particular post on google as it explains what the post is all about and helps for a better understanding.

2. Make Use Of H1, H2

Always make use of H1 and H2 on your blog post and make it Yummy......

3. Make Use Of Related Image

Making use of images related to your keyword and blog post will always invite readers to the blog post.

4. Always Link To Another Post Related

Your readers will love it as they found your page informative and are likely to return again.

Summary Of SEO For Dummies 2019

1. Get a niche domain.
2. Do keyword research.
3. Write Original Quality Contents.
4. Build Backlinks & Authority.
5. Create A Social Media Channel
6. Submitting Your Website To Search Engines
7. Submitting Your Sitemap To Google Search Console
8. Don't over Place Keywords
9. Interlinking Of Your Article
10. Checking For Robot.txt Availability.

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